A few weeks ago in early September 2017, I saw a very interesting video ad by Uber on Reddit. Now before you continue reading – here is a disclaimer! All views expressed on this site are my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity whatsover with which I have been, am now, […]
The Benefits of Customer Reviews
Credibility is a major factor for the success any online business. Unlike physical stores where you can directly touch or test the product, online stores don’t offer this capability. The products can only be seen through images or the products themselves may be digital content. This is where credibility comes in. People would end up […]
The 3 Steps Necessary For Bare Minimum Content Marketing
There is no exact and definite path to success for internet marketing. Circumstances are different for everyone, that’s why retargeting is an important step in every marketing campaign. In retargeting, user data is used to retarget ads and produce higher returns for the advertiser. But don’t hop on the bandwagon just yet. Retargeting still needs […]
How To Run A Successful Competitor Brand Name Campaign
Bidding on brand names is one of the integral aspects of any PPC campaign. Bidding on your own brand name solidifies your status as a company and adds to the value of your products. While bidding on your competitor’s brand name is a method of siphoning some their traffic to yours. Brand name marketing will […]