In SEO, it is an absolute necessity to have high quality content and copy. It is one the more important factors when a search engine ranks a website. But it is also one of the most difficult to implement so in this article are guidelines and tips for the people who handle the content. The […]
The Bottom Line In Search Engine Optimisation
Search Engine Optimisation has become a necessary marketing strategy for any online business. For the past couple of years, there has been a tremendous growth in the SEO industry. Any good online marketing campaign will have SEO included. But how important really is Search Engine Optimisation? How does ranking higher on a search engine improve […]
SEO Basics – Optimising WordPress
WordPress is one of the most popular content management platforms available today. In a group of six websites, there would be a high probability that one of those would be powered by WordPress. When you consider the fact that there are literally millions of websites on the internet, you realise that there would then be […]
SEO For Beginners – Part 2
As was stated in Part 1 of this guide, one of the simplest and less technical ways to optimise your site is to improve the page speed. In Part 1, two page speed optimisation strategies have been introduced, namely: Caching and Image Optimisation. In this article, two more will be discussed. Minification Another important tactic […]
SEO For Beginners – Part 1
As we know, SEO or search engine optimization is an important process in the promotion of your site. And there are many aspects of SEO one can address when building your site. One of the more important one is the speed of your site. A search engine values a fast site highly and at the […]