Recently I was asked from one of my clients to help setup a Google Apps email for a domain name he just purchased.
Google Apps provides you the ability to have an email that ends with your own domain name. Example – have an instead of aidaho@hotmail or aidaho@gmail type of email.
Most of the big MNCs use Google Apps email. I know Seagate uses Google Apps email for their employees around the world. In Singapore, HSR uses Google Apps email for their property agents.
Best thing – Google Apps is free for the first 10 users! So it is my personal favorite as an email solution.
To setup Google Apps, I usually follow the following process.
1) Buy Domain
2) Buy Hosting
3) Point Nameservers to hosting
4) Setup Google Apps using the Cpanel area
5) Register for Google Apps at
In this case however, my client has no intention to setup the website yet as everything is “still in the air”.
He doesn’t want to get hosting yet. So he asked me whether it was possible to setup an email for him WITHOUT hosting?
I researched and dug further whether was it possible to get the world’s most popular email client – Google Apps – to work with just a domain?
The answer is yes – and possible through Namecheap – my personal favorite domain registrar.
I created this video for my own reference next time. However, I realized it can be very helpful for quite a few people who wants to setup email using Google Apps without buying hosting first.
Watch the video below and find out how the steps is exactly done!